
If you're looking to build a better version of your life—one that's 💯 authentic to your queer, neurodivergent,* and/or disabled self—I'm your girl. (Except for the girl part.) Coaching with me is an equal partnership between collaborators. We'll work together to imagine the version of your life that you want to live, one that is rooted in a deep understanding and honouring of your unique way... Read More

If you're looking to build a better version of your life—one that's 💯 authentic to your queer, neurodivergent,* and/or disabled self—I'm your girl. (Except for the girl part.)

Coaching with me is an equal partnership between collaborators. We'll work together to imagine the version of your life that you want to live, one that is rooted in a deep understanding and honouring of your unique ways of thinking, being, and doing.

And then we'll collaborate on creating practical. useful strategies that help you take big strides toward the best possible life for you.

My coaching is rooted in a neurodiversity-affirming, trauma-informed, and anti-racist practice. Approaches include positive psychology, co-active, and positive intelligence coaching.

I’m an autistic, non-binary and queer coach, parent, and spouse with ADHD and C-PTSD. I’m also an educator, career development professional, disability rights advocate, and positive psychology stan.

Collecting degrees is one of my special interests, and I have an honors BA and Bachelor of Education along with an MA and PhD. I’ll be certified with the International Federation of Coaches in 2024, and I have certificates in coaching, Indigenous cultural safety, project management, Lean Six Sigma, blah blah blah. (I told you I love learning! And my cats.)

I’m an autistic, non-binary and queer coach, parent, and spouse with ADHD and C-PTSD. I’m also an... Read More

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